Why plan?

You plan so that you have answers to these important questions... Where are you financially? What do you expect of your financial future? And especially… How will you get there?

Why periodically review – what and when?

A periodic review is necessary because your needs change over time, and so does the market and the economy. Review at least annually and/or when either you or your investments have a major change.

How do stocks, mutual funds, and bonds help?

Stocks and mutual funds provide protection from inflation to help maintain an investors purchasing power. Bonds provide income.

Why invest long term, why not trade on expectations?

So that we can profit from compounding returns over time. History has shown us time and again that the long-term trend of the market is up.

How do you evaluate your prospective investment?

There are many criteria, but among the most important are: The company’s net cash flow and financial results over the last ten years, the industry in which the company operates and, the company’s management.

What are some expensive market myths and why do they fail long-term?

Generic asset allocation based on speculating where bonds and stocks are headed. Excessive diversification. Index investing. Assuming that more risk will lead to a bigger payoff (Risk = Reward).

What's bad about 24/7 media and lots of information?

Absolutely nothing -- if you know how to put it in a long term perspective and filter the information pertinent to your circumstances.

What's the best approach to successful long term investing?

Know your time horizon and when you invest, buy a business not a stock.

Why invest?

Life expectancy continues to increase. Your earned income will peak and decline. Even moderate inflation over time will significantly raise the cost of future living standards. Saving for retirement helps offset inflation and can lower or defer taxes in the right account.

Where should I go from here?

Call for an appointment and follow me on Twitter.